Come See Us For

Pain Affects Us All

Injury Rehabilitation
and Pain Relief

Dr. Foster is well trained in the latest techniques from Parker University, one of the most prestigious chiropractic schools in the world and has a diverse, in-depth knowledge of many medical conditions and. She is devoted to helping you get better as quickly, painlessly and affordably as possible.  

Injured in a car wreck?

We treat injuries through car wreck injury claims and work with the insurance for you on your behalf.

A Healthy Family is a Happy Family

Health and Wellness

If you want to be all that you can be on every level, physically, mentally, and emotionally, Dr. Foster will be there to help you to achieve your personal best. Whether nutritional advice or diagnosing recurring ailments and how to fix them, we've got you back!

High performers and athletes need dedicated care that focuses on specific problem areas to help keep you out of pain and doing what you love. Treat your your body with the respect and attention it needs to perform at its best and keep your body moving like it was meant to for years to come!

Dr. Foster Has Healing Hands

Pain Free Care and
Gentle Treatment Options

Besides being able to skillfully perform traditional techniques in a smooth, pain free approach, Dr. Foster also is proficient with the Activator, a soft adjusting tool. This technique is used either for when the situation calls for it in general, or simply when a patient is afraid of more traditional Chiropractic techniques. If you've ever needed relief but have been too afraid to try, talk to Dr. Foster about your specific concerns. She's always willing to work with you to ease your mind so that you can get the help you need!